ALH 2 - Basic Emergency Response & Health Careers - 3 Units
Recommended Prep: Reading Level IV; English Level IV
Transfer Status: CSU
42.5 hours Lecture/ 25.5 hours Lab
This is your introduction and a bridge class to all health care & emergency service occupations. This class is highly recommended for any care giving field: (day care, teaching, elder care, coaching, after school programs, and more; as well as personal knowledge). This course prepares students with the knowledge & skills necessary to act as an emergency responder during medical or trauma emergencies prior to the arrival of EMS. Content encludes, but is not limited to: career exploration, stress management, legal & ethical issues, human body systems, physical exam & vital signs, bleeding & shock management, respiratory & cardiac emergencies too include CPR/AED, alcohol & drug abuse, poisonings, medical, musculoskeletal, soft tissue injuries, behavioral & environmental emergencies, backboarding & head/neck/back/pelvic injuries, bandaging, splinting, lifting & moving victims, disease transmission, emergency child birth, muli-casuelty incidents, incident command system & triage.
ALH 3 - Introduction to Public Health - 3 Units
Recommended Prep: Reading Level IV; English Level III; Math Level III
Transfer Status: CSU
51 hours Lecture
This course provides an introduction to the discipline of Public Health. Students will gain an understanding of the basic concepts and terminologies of public health, and the history and accomplishments of public health officials and agencies. An overview of the functions of various public health professions and institutions, and an in-depth examination of the core public health disciplines is covered. Topics of the discipline include the epidemiology of infectious and chronic disease; prevention and control of diseases in the community including the analysis of the social determinants of health and strategies for eliminating disease, illness and health disparities among various populations; community organizing and health promotion programming; environmental health and safety; global health; and health care policy and management.
ALH 6 - The Critical Six Soft Skills in the Professional Healthcare Environment - 3 Units
Transfer Status: CSU
51 hours Lecture
This course assists in the development of soft skills in the professional healthcare settings. Soft skills can be defined as a cluster of personality traits and behaviors that enhance the relationship between two individuals or an individual and an organization. Proficiency in the practice of soft skills has been identified as an essential characteristic to attain for any individual involved in the professional healthcare setting. Content will include six competency domains which include: Communication, Workplace Ethics and Professionalism, Team building and Collaboration, Effective Problem Solving, Embracing Diversity and Demonstrating Compassion. Graded Only.
ALH 99 - Work Experience-ALH - 1-8 Unit(s)
Prerequisite(s): Permission of Cooperative Work Experience Education Instructor and employment supervisor
Transfer Status: CSU
Career Work Experience (CWE) is a course that gives students the opportunity to earn both a grade and units for what they learn on the job related to their vocational major while gaining practical work experience. Student may earn one semester unit of college credit in this course for every sixty hours of unpaid work experience (60-480 hours unpaid) or seventy-five hours of paid work experience (75-600 hours paid). Students may earn a maximum of sixteen units for all types of Work Experience. Since skills/proficiencies are enhanced by supervised repetition and practice, this course may be repeated to a maximum of 8.00 units.
ALH 104 - Medical Terminology - 3 Units
Recommended Prep: Reading Level IV; English Level III; Math Level II
Transfer Status: NT
51 hour Lecture
This course explores the specialized language used within the medical profession. Emphasis is placed on the definition, pronunciation and spelling of medical terms with focus on building medical words using prefixes, word roots, suffixes and combining forms. To further advance a working knowledge of these terms, vocabulary is taught in relation to the basic anatomy, physiology and pathology of body systems.