What is AB705?
Butte College is committed to helping you complete
transfer level English & Math in your first year.
You can do it! Because of a new law, AB705, everyone can now enroll directly into transfer-level courses. Research shows high school grade point average is the strongest predictor of performance in college coursework.
Our new Butte College Career and Academic Profile tool gathers information like your high school records, college courses taken, and past academic experiences to make recommendations for your Math and English courses and supports.
Success Starts Here
![English Student](/sandbox/AB705/images/english-student.jpg)
You can do it!
Butte College has a team of resources to ensure your success.
Our counselors are here to help. Our Career and Academic Assesment Center will help you with your placement and with exploring your goals. Our Math and English supports are available to address your academic priorities.
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Contact Us
SAS First Floor - Room 110
3536 Butte Campus Drive
Oroville, CA 95965
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