How do you help students improve their communication skills?
Component | Selected by Respondents |
Listen respectfully and actively to diverse ideas and perspectives | 55 % |
Communicate clearly, appropriately, and ethically | 82 % |
Adapt messages to a variety of audiences and purposes both through writing and speaking | 64 % |
I've created a workshop to help students engage in active listening skills and communicating effectively. These students then go on to be student leaders or mentors in our Summer Bridge program or Students of Color Retreat where they facilitate activities as well as engage in creating positive group dynamics in their groups.(Maisue Thao)
In my BCIS courses, I put great emphasis on students becoming competent at communicating via electronic resources. We cover how to use comments in documents to collaborate, how to share and collaborate on files using OneDrive, and how to use advanced PPT tools to aide them in their presentation skills. Some of our courses use MS Teams for more organized students collaboration and communication.
Work in groups. Meet instructors. Go to events on campus. (John Soldate)
I offer them opportunities to share with each other about their experiences in learning the course material and use both verbal and written methods to convey material and instructions to students.
Interpreting answers so others can understand. Work with peers comparing answers.
I encourage student to communicate directly to me (face to face, e-mail, etc.) and I encourage them to work with one another on problems in class
In class, I ask a lot of open ended questions, use wait time and allow all students the chance to think and respond, by first having them talk to each other and then to share out and comment/question each other. I like to have students move around and interact with each other. This is not only for them to have a chance to check their work, but to use mathematics language, defend answers, ask clarifying questions and to meet each other and hopefully form a little mathematics community where they are comfortable working with each other, inside and outside of the classroom. (Rita Nutsch)
I ask students to volunteer their solutions and I ask how they got their answer. Students sometimes present answers on the board. Other students ask why they did a particular step and the presenter must explain their method.
I have a light and cheerful personality. I started the semester making students feel at ease with me and each other. I have time each day to work on problems in class and it always gets students to move around. (Rick Danner)
I require them to explain their answers with a clear "trail of evidence" using math and English for clarity. I have them re-do an example if it is unclear to me what they mean.
By writing their answers in a more full sentence format. And always referring back in context to the question rather than simply writing the answer only. (Sanjay Dev)