2018-19 Unit Plan

Mission Statement

To inspire and help students to build their career in Engineering by helping the student know their local community, their state, their nation and the world, and the opportunities they have to change it through the profession of Engineering and to provide excellent academic instruction and support, with a variety of offerings in various Engineering fields.

Program Description

The Engineering for transfer program is designed to prepare students for the rigors demanded by CSU and UC Schools of Engineering. Fundamental engineering courses including the study of statics (ENGR-8), Circuits (ENGR-17) and Materials Science (ENGR-45) complement course completions in Mathematics (calculus-based), Physics (for Scientists and Engineers) for students preparing for bachelor's degrees in Mechanical, Electrical, Civil and Mechatronic Engineering. To obtain an Associate's degree, students must complete both the major requirements and the graduation requirements for the college.

The Civil Engineering Technology program is designed to prepare students to enter the world of Civil Engineering Technologists with a Certificate of Achievement for technician-level surveying competency. The program has sufficient breadth to include surveying, map drafting, and computer aided drafting (CAD). After completion of the certificate of achievement requirements including a mathematics and computer science completion, the student will be prepared to enter civil engineering technology at the entry level.

Accountability for Previously Funded Items

Accountability Item 1

Impact Tester:

Engineering equipment and analysis tools are not to a 21st century digital standard and are not safe in current facilities requiring much additional oversight by instruction and lab technician. Replaced current equipment to a state of engineering education standard.

Amount: 25000.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

Students are benefitting directly from new equipment.

Accountability Item 2

Speciment Notcher and Stress-Strain Tester

Proper test specimen preparation requires effective notching (a term to refer to precise material removal in a manner to maintain tolerance and no material transformation). This instrument is a companion to the impact tester requested separately. The stress-strain tester is a digital version of the hydraulic machine in disrepair.

Amount: 10500.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

Students are benefitting directly from new equipment.

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes

Follow-up to work started in SP15 for ENGR1occured in Spring 2016 and more hands-on activities have been introduced as part of the daily class activity as well as for the project. We are working at setting up a series of labs with a specific budget. Fall 2018 should have a clear activity list. Summary of the results of SLO Assessments as follows: Exams. One exam has been administrated regarding the application of the history of engineering, the functions of engineering, types of engineers, engineering written and oral reports, and engineering problem solutions and the average grade was 90. See attached Exam. 100% of the students passed the Exam with at least 80. For the future, consideration to adding more open questions replacing multiple choice questions is being given. Project assignments were designed to help the students structure their work and develop problem solving methodology and skills in a team. The results were generally satisfactory and some of them overcame the expectations. There were 8 groups. Two of them got 100, two of them 70 and the rest scored 80-90. To have a better understanding of each individual student's contribution. The grade of each student appears to be 1518% higher or lower of the group grade. We have been satisfied with all groups scoring at least 885, therefore we will need to work more to bring all groups to that level. It is a semester long project; therefore, consistency and organization are fundamental qualities for the success. More work at giving period feedback and checking their progress.

Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)

2012FA 87.5%
2013FA 80.0%
2014FA 63.83%
2015FA 78.26%
2016FA 74.68%

Student Success Degrees and Certificates 2012-13     AA/AS 3 2013-14     AA/AS 3   CA 1 2015-16     AA/AS 7   CA 1 2016-17     AA/AS 12   CA 3 The ENGR program follows the standard. It is the intention of the Engineering for transfer program to continue to work with the UC and CSU to align curriculum and to create as many articulation agreements as possible. From all involvement in the intersegmental certificate program with the UC and CSU, it has been reported that Butte College has a very robust offering of lower division engineering curriculum that is relevant and that follows good engineering education practice and it will continue to be the efforts of dedicated faculty to drive such results to continue building a favorable reputation. We expect that the projection and improvement goals to be very much something that can be met if not bettered in the coming academic year’s goal sets. Over 425 students have chosen Engineering as their academic program representing ENGR as the 6th largest major in the district. Outreach to these students and dialogue about increasing the number of degrees in this discipline is happening. Increasing the size of this program needs to be a focus for college and the unit plan should make a case for continuing to grow this program.

Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)

It is the intention of the Engineering Technology-based program strand (Mechatronic Certificate in development) to use the Perkins IV Core Indicators including:

092400 Engineering Technology General (includes Trigonometry)

It is the intention to strengthen technology-based pathways and strands with employment based outcomes to improve core indicators of completion and achievement over the next five years including skills attainment, completion, persistence rates, employment and training. Report data from recent discussions with many employing agencies including NASA and our US National Laboratory system indicate an acute need for technology-based engineering program development and we will continue working over the next one to three years to implement.

Strategic Direction

We believe that sustained growth should follow given the overwhelming data that supports the growth of the Engineering program including extensive involvement in STEM improvements and Guided Pathways development. The college supports students in their progress toward their educational goals by collaborating with industry, external agencies, and other institutions of higher education to ensure that programs are relevant and meeting current needs and the Engineering program is consistent with said goals. The Engineering program is working directly with the UC and CSU Schools of Engineering to provide a shared guidance and oversight of curriculum that is relevant and meeting the needs of higher education rigor through our

membership and participation in the Engineering Liaison Council (ELC) of all CCC, UC and CSU Engineering programs. In addition, we are working with local and regional industries to develop engineering programming that is relevant and needed to assure that local candidates for employment as prepared, ready and able to succeed in an engineering or technical profession. Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness: Improving access, success, and completion of targeted student populations through the implementation of the Student Equity Plan. The Engineering program is working closely with MESA (Math Engineering Science Achievement) and the STEM pathways at Butte College and local high schools to develop connections and achievements of target populations identified in the current District Student Equity Plan including outreach, intern opportunities and transfer successes into engineering pathways.

Program Review

The Engineering program will be subject to a complete program review in 2019 as its own program. Previous results were aggregated with the Physical Sciences and are not uniquely relevant to stand out except the following items from 2013-2014 program review: 

  1. Engineering revitilization through the hiring of new faculty (Note: Failed tenure at conclusion of Spring 2017 and replacement hire is in process.
  2. Structure of ENGR1 as an exploration of the myriad pathways of Engineering.
  3. Computational course addition - in final stages of CC review (ENGR2)
  4. Dynamics course addition - in early development stages at this time
  5. Continued position of ENGR as a vital part of Butte College instructional offering is affirmed as a continued perspective.


Department Goals

Engineering as an instructional program has the overarching goals that include:

  1. Centralize location of Engineering program lecture and laboratory spaces to every extent possible to synergize all instructional delivery with CSCI and DFT programs.
  2. Replace ENGR instructional staff by one fully qualified FT instructor
  3. Attend professional development events, education opportunities, externships and trade shows.
  4. Ongoing alignment and adjustment of all curriculum to CID requirements and to all UC, CSU and CC Joint Engineering Program task force recommendations.
  5. Replace all equipment and instrumentation to current technology standards of practice for an engineering for transfer and technology-based completion strands.

Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Engineering Program Facilities

Centralize location of Engineering program lecture and laboratory spaces

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

Centralize location of Engineering program lecture and laboratory spaces to every extent possible to synergize all instructional delivery with CSCI and DFT programs.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: Yes

Strategy 2 - Fully-qualified FT instructor

The Engineering program for transfer is currently impacted with emerging waitlists and a directed effort to assure that ENGR-1, 3, 8, 17 and 45 are available in a FA/SP core. Current FT instructional staff is on sustained overload and there is a sustained  lack of fully-qualified faculty to teach and assist in leading program. Hire full time faculty to replace loss of full time tenure track instructor (failed tenure).

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

The Engineering program (transfer and CTE) is experiencing a sustained increase in enrollments driven by a multitude of opportunities such as guided pathways development at the high school level, an ever-increasing need for support for the 6th largest major at Butte College. ENGR is a documented program that is very difficult to hire and find qualified associate faculty locally due to the need for FULLY-QUALIFIED Engineers. The density of ENGR program development is increasing with at minimum of two new courses to be added in the 2017-2018 academic year. 

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 3 - Professional Development

Faculty and staff professional development including events, workshops, training, externships and trade shows.

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

STEM programs mandate a continued pursuit of professional development that extends beyond local resources. Professional development keeps faculty and staff at the leading edge of development of relevant instructional programming, courses, certificates and degrees.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: Yes

Strategy 4 - Curriculum Alignment to All Programmatic Needs

Align all curriculum to C-ID requirements and to all UC, CSU and CC Joint-Engineering-Program task force recommendations. 

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement

Supporting Rationale

The Engineering Program at Butte College should be designed to teach to help students get wherever it is they desire to go. All or almost all Engineering students take Drafting and Computer Science classes. We teach to help them get wherever they desire to go. Many of our students believe that they can be engineers, yet the vast majority do not even know what an engineer really is, or what an engineer does. It is OUR collective opportunity to guide those students and help them understand that and every education opportunity we have with those students prepares them for success. Some will succeed and transfer as engineering students. Others will transfer as technologist students and still others will exit at the lower division level with certificates or associates degrees but each and every one ours to help. The Transfer Engineering Certificate Engineering Liaison Council (ELC) ELC (http://www.caelc.org/ ) is a unique organization in California that has been serving a very important and critical function in engineering education since 1947. It is composed of representatives of engineering and engineering technology education throughout California and several other states including: deans and associate deans from the colleges of engineering of the University of California system, the California State University system and the independent universities and colleges, and the engineering professors from the California Community Colleges. The Engineering Science-Transfer certificate covers courses ordinarily would require of freshmen students who wish to major in a four-year engineering program. Graduates may apply for transfer to a four-year institution or continue studies at a two-year institution and apply for transfer later. This certificate would be part of the General Engineering program.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: Yes

Strategy 5 - Update Instructional Equipment and Instrumentation

Replace all equipment and instrumentation to current technology standards of practice for an engineering for transfer and technology based completion strands.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

Replace all equipment and instrumentation to current technology standards of practice for an engineering for transfer and technology based completion strands.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources

The Engineering Program requests the following in consideration for non-financial resources:

Facilities: The Materials Science Lab is currently in a very difficult condition. We have 12 Labs in total. 6 of them are currently being executed in LRC116, which is not a wet ab room, with no water and safety conditions not optimal. The other 6 Labs are performed in the Mech Ag machine shop (MA-105), where we are guests. Potentially, all ENGR classes need a Lab room with computers. LRC 116 was a new addition to the ENGR classes and the need to continue this forms of collaboration outside the PS Dept, in order to find resources and Facilities for the existing and new ENGR classes. A relocation of the Engineering Program to another Department/division would be beneficial to the full development of all Engineering courses.


Current Financial Resources

With the addition of technology-based programming to ENGR, TOPS codes will be matched to offerings allowing the potential funding sources including: Perkins funding for CTE program improvement and development, SB1070 mini-grant funding for regional program development, Proposition 39 funding to introduce energy-based programming including solar energy and wind energy course development and Strong Work Force funding for Engineering STEM-based pathway development with regional K-12 districts and high schools.

Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 Engineering Program Facilities $25,000.00 $0.00
Engineering Laboratory Engineering as a program needs a centralized laboratory, properly equipped with computers sufficient to match the requirements and demands of an engineering-for-transfer and a technology based engineering certificate completion program. Current program demands exceed effective facility space that is not adequately enabled for student success. Request one-time augmentation for remodeling necessary for facilities update up to and including acquiring adjacent space in MC124 classroom and outfitting with data infrastructure ($10,000) and smart board ($8000), and construction of instrumentation storage customized for civil equipment applications ($7000).
  • Career and Technical Education - Perkins
  • Instructional Equipment
  • Scheduled Maintenance (Facilities)
  • Implementing a Guided Pathways Model that makes career and transfer pathways clear, easy to navigate, tailored to meet labor market needs, and promotes success after transfer
  • Aligning the instructional schedule with Guided Pathways
2 Full Time ENGR Faculty Personnel $0.00 $109,800.00
Full Time ENGR Faculty The Engineering program (transfer and CTE) is experiencing a sustained increase in enrollments driven by a multitude of opportunities such as guided pathways development at the high school level, an ever-increasing need for support for the 6th largest major at Butte College. ENGR is a documented program that is very difficult to hire and find qualified associate faculty locally due to the need for FULLY-QUALIFIED Engineers. The density of ENGR program development is increasing with at minimum of two new courses to be added in the 2017-2018 academic year.
  • Career and Technical Education - Perkins
  • Implementing a Guided Pathways Model that makes career and transfer pathways clear, easy to navigate, tailored to meet labor market needs, and promotes success after transfer
  • Aligning the instructional schedule with Guided Pathways
  • Maintaining ongoing operations at current levels (excludes grants)
3 Engineering Program Operating Expenses $10,000.00 $0.00
Professional Development Engineering Liaison Council (ELC) holds multiple meetings per year. The Engineering program at Butte College is scheduled to host the ELC meeting in FA17. There will be over 25 representatives from around the state in attendance. Expenditure for operational expenses is to cover the one-time hosting as well as continued membership in ELC will require ongoing support (approx. $6000) In addition, STEM programs mandate a continued pursuit of professional development that extends beyond local resources. Professional development keeps faculty and staff at the leading edge of development of relevant instructional programming, courses, certificates and degrees (approx. $4000)
  • Career and Technical Education - Perkins
  • Student Support Services Program (SSSP)
  • Implementing a Guided Pathways Model that makes career and transfer pathways clear, easy to navigate, tailored to meet labor market needs, and promotes success after transfer
4 ENGR Engineering Program Equipment $10,000.00 $0.00
Repair and calibration of engineering testing equipment Equipment in need of repair and calibration. Prolonged use without calibration has lead to long term decay and inability to achieve reliable results.
  • Instructional Equipment
  • Addressing Health/Life/Safety issues
  • Maintaining ongoing operations at current levels (excludes grants)
  • Implementing a Guided Pathways Model that makes career and transfer pathways clear, easy to navigate, tailored to meet labor market needs, and promotes success after transfer
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